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Foot Peel FAQs

  • Do I need to use The Foot Peel HomeKit everyday for 7 days?

    No, only one application is necessary, this involves a 90minutes – 2 hour soaking time. It may take 3-7 days for peeling to start. This process will be completed after 10 days (result may vary between individuals).

  • q-iconMy heels are very cracked will it be ok to use The Foot Peel Home Kit?

    The Foot Peel Home Kit is widely used by people who experience dry and rough skin on their soles, heel and toes. If you have cuts and cracks, the lotion may cause stinging. We recommend a patch test first.

  • Do I wash my feet after using it?

    Yes, remove the plastic booties after the two hours of soaking, then wash your feet carefully. It is important that you soak your feet everyday for at least 10 minutes to help accelerate the peeling process.

  • I want to try The Foot Peel Home Kit but I am going to be actively involved in sport. Can I still use it?

    Playing intense sport is not recommended immediately after using The Foot Peel Home Kit because the layer of dead skin cells is more susceptible to peeling, and the under layer of skin is quite sensitive. Please wait 2-3 days.

  • Is The Foot Peel Home Kit re-useable?

    No, this is a single use only product. Please discard of your booties after use.

  • Do I need to sit down while I have The Foot Peel Home Kit on?

    For best results put a sock over the top of your plastic booties. We recommend that you sit down relax for the 2 hours while your feet are soaking.

  • Why has The Foot Peel Home Kit not worked in some places as well it has in as others?

    The gel may not be covering the areas of the foot requiring a higher concentration level. Once you have The Foot Peel Home Kit booties on distribute gel to the areas in need of the most attention.


  • Limit walking around whilst using The Foot Peel Home Kit
  • Do not allow contact with your eyes (If gel comes into contact -rinse eyes thoroughly with saline or water and consult your doctor)
  • Do not expose to extremely high temperatures
  • Do not use near naked flame
  • Keep out of reach of children
  • A patch test is recommended
  • Avoid use on skin which is predisposed to allergies or if you have sensitive skin
  • Discontinue use if swelling, itchiness, inflammation or other skin symptoms occur
  • Not recommended for use by diabetics
  • Not recommended for use while pregnant or breast feeding
  • Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.